Sunday, April 17, 2016


Two and a half years ago, I moved away from home to New York City. I didn't know a soul. Fast forward to now, I live in Hell's Kitchen with two roommates and every day is a new adventure. I am doing this blog to recap silly things that happen to me each day.

5:52 p.m.

I apologize in advance, guys. This isn't some post about something strange that happened to me today. This is more of a vent about something that really bothers me, and I am so sorry if I offend any of you reading this. But the thing that really bothers me is about exclusivity in a relationship. I get that with all the dating apps and all the bars and the fact that New York City has a ton of really beautiful people in it that we are always looking to the next person. There is a caveat, though. My friend's S.O. once put it great, and I think she really has a point with this. She believes that once you start dating someone, you have a 30 day period where you figure out if you like them, if you want to keep seeing them, and by the end of 30 days, even if it's just casual, you should probably stop going on dates and hooking up with random people at the bar. Just because you lack official titles does not mean you should be hooking up with other people or dating other people after a month.

A month is a perfectly suitable amount of time to figure it out. Conceivably in a month you can go out on four or five dates with a person. Let's say you meet this person and you date for a while and you do couple things, like going to dinner, or going to the park, and going to the zoo or whatever it is, and things are going well but you aren't "official." Let's also just say that you don't have the talk about being "official" with titles for four more months because you're going slow or because you guys aren't on the same page. Now let's say it's a year or so later and things are still going great with your S.O. What if they asked about your hookup habits during that shady period? Would you really want to look that person in the eye and confess that you were still hooking up with other people three or four months into the two of you being together? Would you really want to confess that you were hooking up with other people while the two of you were together while the other person was working late so you two could hang out the entire next day? Please don't answer yes to that. 

Some of my friends believe that any time you lack official titles is fair game. To that, I say, if you can't stop hooking up with other people after seeing someone for a month, then you should probably stop wasting everyone's time and let that person go. 

I just think this could save some hurt feelings later on.
And I'm really really sorry if I offended anyone.And also, I know I just sat in a glass house and threw a boulder at the wall.

Here's a picture of a piglet sleeping in a baseball glove to thank you for sticking that vent out with me.

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